239: © 1997-2025, Vegi-Service AG, CH-9315 Neukirch (Egnach),  www.vegusto.ch 

Treat yourself with Vegusto: Recipe No. 239

Gourmet salad with olives and vegan cheese alternative

Not only gourmets appreciate the fruits of the olive tree served on pizzas, in pasta or in a tasty salad. Our body also receives protection and vitality from these little powerhouses.


Peel the No Moo, Melty and cut into wheels.
Toast the pine nuts in a non-stick frying pan without oil until lightly brown and place in a small bowl. Mix the oil, lemon juice, salt, agave syrup and garlic granules in a shaker or with a whisk to make the dressing.
Cut the Chinese cabbage and green salad into 2 cm wide strips.
Pluck the parsley leaves from the stems. Chop the stems into small pieces.
Mix the Chinese cabbage, the green salad, the parsley leaves, the finely chopped parsley stems and the olives in a salad bowl with the dressing.
Fold the melty rolls into the salad.
Decorate the salad with the thyme leaves and the toasted pine nuts.

It goes well with a toasted slice of bread. Suggestion: The No Moo, Melty can also be fried with a mild vegetable oil.