243: © 1997-2025, Vegi-Service AG, CH-9315 Neukirch (Egnach),  www.vegusto.ch 

Treat yourself with Vegusto: Recipe No. 243

Energy chocolate smoothie, naturally sweetened

Would you like to enjoy chocolate, but without refined sugar?
No problem: With this quick smoothie recipe, you can enjoy lots of delicious chocolate flavor, sweetened only with dates. Nature at its best! Ideal as a delicious dessert or as a snack.


Blend the plant drink and the raspberries. Raspberries contain a lot of seeds. These can easily be removed by passing the raspberry drink through a fine-meshed sieve. We used a rubber spoon for this.
Add all the other ingredients, blend vigorously, and enjoy.

This drink is just about ready to drink. If you prefer pudding, simply use a little less vegetable drink.