112: © 1997-2025, Vegi-Service AG, CH-9315 Neukirch (Egnach),  www.vegusto.ch 

Treat yourself with Vegusto: Recipe No. 112

Chilli con Vegusto with Vegan-Schnitzel, Veggie Mince

A hearty classic! This recipe is mild to medium hot and thus suitable for all ages. Ideally, the chilli con Vegusto is prepared the day before.


Chop onions into small cubes, chop cloves of garlic finely, wash celery and carrots and cut into ½ cm small pieces. Halve the peppers, remove the seeds, wash and cut into 2 cm pieces.
Allow the oil to get hot in a large pot. Add the vegetables, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, and salt and simmer over medium heat for about 7 minutes.
Drain chick peas and kidney beans and add together with the whole-peeled tomatoes to the vegetables. Separate Veggie Mince with our fingers and add to the rest. Fill empty tomato tin with water and add to the Chilli. Mix well.
Wash and chop coriander and add together with the balsamic vinegar to the Chilli. Season with salt and pepper and bring to the boil at medium heat with the lid on slightly askew for 45 minutes.

Serving suggestions
Chilli con Vegusto goes well with basmati rice or baked potatoes. It can also be served with a chunky piece of bread.
In addition, a small bowl of soy yoghurt, some guacamole and a few slices of lime or lemon can be served as a side dish.
Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

Serve according to taste with some chopped coriander.