255: © 1997-2024, Vegi-Service AG, CH-9315 Neukirch (Egnach),  www.vegusto.ch 

Treat yourself with Vegusto: Recipe No. 255

Sommerlicher vegane Melonensalat mit käsigen Kichererbsen

An exquisite concert of flavours for a mild summer evening: The fruits tune the strings, the No Moo bundles his notes and the peas giggle in the front row. Now the maestro taps his baton. It becomes quiet. The pleasure begins!


Place the No Moo, Pizza Sauce and the chickpeas from the jar (without the soaking water) in a frying pan. Mix everything thoroughly and fry over a medium heat, turning regularly, until the chickpeas have soaked up the vegan pizza sauce. Season everything with herb salt, cover and keep warm.
Cut the watermelon, mango and vegan cheese alternative into 1-2 cm cubes.
Peel and finely chop the onion.
Halve the olives. Mix all the ingredients for the salad dressing.
The salad can now be prepared. Place all the ingredients (except the warm chickpeas) in a bowl and mix together. We only add the chickpeas to the salad once everyone is seated at the table. That way they are still warm.

Add fresh garden herbs, such as lemon balm. This melon salad is easy to make and can be prepared a few hours in advance.