253: © 1997-2024, Vegi-Service AG, CH-9315 Neukirch (Egnach),  www.vegusto.ch 

Treat yourself with Vegusto: Recipe No. 253

Vegan schnitzel bread with homemade schnitzel sauce

We got lucky! Our photographer just managed to take a photo of this schnitzel sandwich before he ate it himself!


For the schnitzel dip, place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly.
Fry the vegan schnitzels with plenty of oil in a frying pan that is not too hot or on a griddle for 2-3 minutes on both sides.
In the meantime, halve the baguettes and cut open at the sides.
Spread both baguette halves generously with the homemade schnitzel sauce.
Remove the fried vegan schnitzel from the pan and place it between the baguette halves.

Vegusto vegan schnitzels with this very schnitzel sauce were successfully sold at the 2024 St. Gallen Cantonal Schwingfest Festival in Grabs / Werdenberg.