Here are some organizations you would like to support!

If you would like to add your organisation to this list, please contact us via Contact Form .

Animal Sanctuary

Animal sanctuary "Erlebenshof"


From a small idea something great was born: The Erlebenshof! Rescued animals live here and are now allowed to enjoy their lives.

Animal sanctuary "Hashüsli"


The "Hashüsli" animal sanctuary gives animals with a difficult life story a new, loving home. Horses, ponies, cattle, mini pigs, domestic pigs and cats come to us from former neglect, with trauma, old or sick. In the end, all escaped the intention to kill.

Animal sanctuary "Lebensparadies"


From a dairy & meat farm to a animal sanctuary. For peaceful coexistence. Yvonne & Toni Kathriner, Wald ZH

Animal sanctuary im Ring


Animal sanctuary im Ring - for animals and people - Let's start with the animals ...

Association Hof Regenbogen


The Regaboga animal sanctuary offers a home to animals of all kinds. The large family consists mainly of animals that have been abandoned and those that need a new home for reasons of age or health. >br/>This animal scantury is located in Neukirch on beautiful Lake Constance. That is, in the same village where also Vegusto is at home.

Hof Narr


In full awareness that many people will consider us fools for this, we at HOF NARR want to inspire people to deal with our livelihoods that are not “normal”, but are suitable for grandchildren.

Kangaroo Farm, Bernhardzell


The Kangaroo Farm is a place of life for humans and animals. We work with permaculture. As an exciting farm and place of learning, we are open to friendship, adventure and knowledge transfer. A close and respectful cooperation with nature is the basis of everything we do. You can adopt an animal or even a tree. We always look forward to seeing you in our farm shop!

Sanctuary Luna


On our farm you will find the interests and the students. Our sanctuary is not an animal shelter. Animal shelters take in animals and keep them alive. Animals lead on a pure sanctuary but the rest of their lives turn. They are not passed on.



The foundation has set itself the task of promoting the implementation of the constitutionally anchored protection of the dignity of creatures; to strengthen the position of the animal as a fellow creature and, as a consequence of the first two tasks, to protect the animals from exploitation and abuse and to support them wherever necessary.

Villa Kuhnterbunt


The Villa Kuhnterbunt is a living space for cows, oxen and calves. With us you can live a life in freedom and beyond human claims. As a representative of their fellows in the food industry, they are given a name, a face and are allowed to show how unique, intelligent, loving and full of character they are!

Zellweger Animal Foundation ZAF


The "Zellweger Animal Foundation ZAF" is nailing it and is again offering a free castration / sterilization program for dogs and cats!

Swiss vegan-organizations

Animal in Focus


Animal in Focus (TIF) is a Swiss animal rights organization. Those affected are regularly exposed to major abuses in Swiss livestock husbandry. The aim of TIF is the abolition of livestock farming. Behind this must be the right ones, so that there cannot be any “species-appropriate” slaughterhouses. To help animals live, live and live, live and live.

Foundation Health and Nutrition Switzerland


Vegetarians, vegans, and raw foodists often eat an unhealthy diet, for years or even decades. With some basic information, you can avoid making the same mistakes. We do not sell anything (non-profit foundation). We only provide you with information and a lot of recipes, that will enable you to form your own educated opinion.

L’association PEA


Pour l’Égalité Animale a pour objectif la fin du spécisme et l’avènement d’une société égalitaire pour tous les animaux. Il est urgent de mettre un terme à l’exploitation injustifiable dont sont victimes les animaux, et de respecter la vie de tous les êtres sensibles, qu’ils soient humains ou pas.


As the Swiss certification authority for the V-label and as publisher of the quarterly magazine VegInfo, (founded in 1993) is a super important voice within the Swiss vegan movement. Join now!

Vegan Society Switzerland


As a non-profit association, our more than 1000 members are committed to a vegan world where we humans live in harmony with the environment and animals. Join now!

Verein gegen Tierfabriken (VgT)


Founded back in 1989, the VgT is under its President Dr. Erwin Kessler fearlessly for more farm animal protection and for honest reporting about the daily suffering of farm animals in Switzerland. Be sure to subscribe to the magazine. Join Now! also operates a Sanctuary for rabbits and chickens .

Animal Welfare Associations

Les Il‘Ô Refuges


Les Il‘Ô Refuges is a non-profit organization, based in the Canton of Neuchâtel, which is active in the defense of animals interests and the promotion of animal ethics. Its objectives are twofold: to rescue and take care of exploited farm animals (especially pigs and chickens), and to propose pedagogical awareness-rising activities about animal ethics for children and teenagers.

Sea Shephert Switzerland


The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS), founded in 1977, is an international non-profit organization dedicated to protecting marine wildlife. Our mission is the destruction of living spaces and slaughter of animals in the oceans in order to protect and preserve ecosystems and species in the long term.

And much more ...

Eat Positive


Vegan community to connect with people from around the globe, sharing a passion for a healthy sustainable lifestyle, respect for the environment and value for all living things.

Foundation - for the animal in the right


As a charitable non-profit organization, we depend on financial support so that we can continue to do everything in our power for animals and their protection. The most effective way to help us is through a donation.

Large Animal Rescue Service, Switzerland (GTRD)


The GTRD needs your support to be able to help large animals in the long term in an emergency. All GTRD employees work voluntarily, i.e. are not employed and only receive a small fee like the fire brigade.

Soul Conversations - Animal Communication, vegan


My work with animal communication includes being able to answer open questions and to look at the being holistically. In this way, support can be offered to the animal companion as well as the companion in their specific situations and any clarity, certainty, possible confirmation etc. can grow. I have been working since 2013 and have completed a one-year training.