

Fridge magnet: Vegan Joke (German)


A purely plant-based nutrition just feels good: For me, for you, for our environment: simply for all creatures.

0.00 Fr.

* incl. VAT., excl. shipping

Ready to ship: A-Post (Mo-Thu)!

Order quantity limited!

Order-No:  590
Content:  Magnet
100 %:  vegan

Unlimited shelf life with good treatment.
Pin magnetic for the fridge.
Order number:  590
Productname:  Fridge magnet: Vegan Joke (German)
product description:  Be part of the change: Go vegan - Eat Love!
Manufacturer:  Vegi-Service AG, CH-9315 Neukirch -
packaging:  Pin
Content:  Magnet
Made in:  CH

Vegane Giveaways

Fridge magnet:The ony way to have a friend

Fridge magnet:The ony way to have a friend

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 592

VgT-News - VN 24-02 (German)

VgT-News - VN 24-02 (German)

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magazin

Order-No: 1007

Vegusto bag: Swiss vegan Factory with love!

Vegusto bag: Swiss vegan Factory with love!

1.80 Fr.

Content : Tasche

Order-No: 299

Comic postcard no. 1

Comic postcard no. 1

For free!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Postcard

Order-No: 501

Comic postcard no. 2

Comic postcard no. 2

For free!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Postcard

Order-No: 502

Comic postcard no. 3

Comic postcard no. 3

For free!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Postcard

Order-No: 503

Comic postcard no. 4

Comic postcard no. 4

For free!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Postcard

Order-No: 504

Comic postcard no. 5

Comic postcard no. 5

For free!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Postcard

Order-No: 505

Comic postcard no. 7 - German

Comic postcard no. 7 - German

For free!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Postcard

Order-No: 507

Fridge magnet: Vegan!

Fridge magnet: Vegan!

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 585

Fridge magnet: Seitan schreit nicht!

Fridge magnet: Seitan schreit nicht!

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 588

Ebook - #ichveganisiere (pdf, german)

Ebook - #ichveganisiere (pdf, german)

0.00 Fr.

Content : PDF

Order-No: 2200

Fridge magnet:Ten out of ten ducks recommend vegan for Christmas (German)!
Not available!

Fridge magnet:Ten out of ten ducks recommend vegan for Christmas (German)!

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 591


For free: vegan giveaways from Vegusto!

Postcards, handy magnets for your fridge and of course the popular Vegusto shopping bag:
Together with an order, all these products are free.

We love vegan.

For Free: Magnete/Pins

We at Vegusto are creating a new vegan brainteaser every month in the form of a handy magnet.

Our pins have a diameter of 55 millimeters. So they are nice and big and easy to read. Use the magnet on your fridge or anywhere else magnets are held to make a statement for a purely plant-based diet.

A new magnet is usually only available in our shop for a few months. So it always only has while stocks last. However, if you have missed a magnet, with a little luck you will find it on the large magnet wall in our direct sales in Neukirch on the beautiful Lake Constance. Or you can buy one of our packages. It always has pins in it that are no longer available.

**One more reason to visit our direct sales in Neukirch.

Vegan Pins von Vegusto

For Free: Postcards from Vegusto

The Vegusto postcards are small works of art with some vegan inspirations. Lovingly drawn by hand by Katharina and perfected on the computer. By the way, Katharina is the person who develops all our products.

The order quantity of all free products is limited. However, if you would like more products for any special event, we would be happy to hear from you. Simply write a comment in the message field of the order before you place it.


Fridge magnet:The ony way to have a friend

Fridge magnet:The ony way to have a friend

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 592

Fridge magnet: Vegan!

Fridge magnet: Vegan!

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 585

Fridge magnet: Seitan schreit nicht!

Fridge magnet: Seitan schreit nicht!

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 588

Fridge magnet:Ten out of ten ducks recommend vegan for Christmas (German)!
Not available!

Fridge magnet:Ten out of ten ducks recommend vegan for Christmas (German)!

Order quantity limited!

0.00 Fr.

Content : Magnet

Order-No: 591